Everybody is constantly hammering about avoiding dirty pillowcases to protect your face, and that’s great. But has anyone told you the dangers of sleeping in makeup? Let’s paint a quick picture.
It’s a sunny Saturday, and you’ve done your laundry, changed the sheets, et al. It looks like a good day to have fun, and you called up your girls for a wild night in the city. Face beat; dress, tight; heels, high; stormy night. Now you’re back home, drunk and smashed, heading towards your freshly laid bed and pillowcase. Hmm, home, sweet home!
Cut! Sounds familiar, right? The neat pillowcase isn’t going to save that pretty face from all the troubles you’re about to put it through without washing your makeup off. Did you know that we shed around 50 million skin cells per day, and most of the process happens at night? Even one night of sleeping in makeup can impact your face in ways that will leave the skin looking unkempt.
If you’re not trying to deal your self-esteem a colossal blow, read further on how to treat your skin with all the love it deserves!
Is Sleeping in Makeup that Bad?
Sleeping in your makeup is, in no way, advisable. That is like a toxic relationship you want to avoid by all means. If you have been doing it in the past, remember that ex that you never want to return with? Ew, right? That’s what sleeping in makeup should feel like, sis! Also, if you recently started considering it, stick around with me. After all the red flags I will list below, I am sure the next time you are tempted to sleep with your makeup on, you will hop on the next train out of that thought.
What Happens if I Sleep in My Makeup?
Think about it, sis! You don’t need to attain a skincare expert level to know that going to bed with your makeup is a bad idea. Imagine sleeping off with a nose mask on; you know it is uncomfortable, and you won’t entertain the idea.
Well, sleeping in makeup is like masking the covered skin and not allowing it to breathe.
As a result, it can cause a wide range of side effects like:
1. Clogged Pores
It is common knowledge that you breathe in air (oxygen) to stay alive. This theory applies to even your face; you have pores on your face that are blocked whenever you wear makeup. Therefore, your face won’t be able to breathe, which can cause breakouts on your skin. Having clogged pores means oil can’t excrete from your skin, leading to skin breakout and pimples.
It is essential to wipe makeup off your face and wash it after getting home. I know you are exhausted from a long day, and you want to kick back your feet, but for your whole body to feel refreshed for the next day, you must tend to the makeup on your face. Girl, give your face a breather!
2. Skin Irritation & Inflammation of the Eyes
Wearing foundation and powder on your face is one thing. You have to be particularly careful with makeup on delicate parts of the body, like the eyes. For instance, mascara embodies several pathogens that can cause internal and external chronic eye problems like infections, inflammation, and disease.
To reduce the risk of eye-related issues from makeup, cleanse your skin gently before washing and try not to share your sensitive makeup items such as mascara. It will stop harmful fungus, bacteria, and viruses from spreading. Finally, watch out for allergic reactions when you use new products, as this could be another cause of irritated skin and inflamed eyes. You want to keep those eyes open for all the money you’re counting on in 2021!
3. Damaged Lashes
Another mascara disaster you need to watch out for is the harm it could do to your natural lashes. When you apply mascara, it removes the natural oils your lashes produce. So, if you are wearing it to bed, get ready for a dry spell, sis. In turn, your lashes are prone to breaking and will mostly fall off.
Look in the mirror and see how pretty your lashes make you! Next time you want to go to bed without removing every trace of mascara, do 360 back to your bathroom and clean it. To hydrate your lashes and keep them looking beautiful, you can add a moisturizer or serum. Go, girl!
4. Collagen Decomposition & Premature Aging
Remember what I stated about makeup not allowing your face to breathe? Well, that causes worse skin-related issues than only clogged pores. It can also keep environmental impurities or overall dirt trapped within your skin. The outcome of trapped dirt in your skin leads to an increase in free radicals.
Ultimately, I am talking about bad health conditions such as collagen degradation, premature aging, and even DNA mutations. One or two slip-ups can be pardoned, but constant sleeping in makeup is unacceptable. Do better, sis!
5. Dry Skin
Some people naturally have dry skin, and that’s okay. But sleeping in makeup consistently can either cause or worsen a case of dry skin. The act affects the natural exfoliation and shedding phases your skin should undergo.
Ugh. You slipped up and slept in your makeup, didn’t you?
As I mentioned earlier, even one night of sleeping in makeup can make a lot of ugly difference. So, what’s next after you wake up with a face with yesterday’s makeup still on it?
Don’t beat yourself up because of that. After all, it’s a bad day, not a bad face. The first thing to do is wash it ASAP. Do not spare another minute, okay? Wipe your face twice, using an oil-based cleanser. Then apply a foam-based cleaner to unclog your pores.
The next thing on your “save the face” agenda would be to create a skincare routine if you don’t already have one. Not just any routine, but one you can commit to every night. Make sure you use helpful cosmetics and moisturizers before bed to enhance the skin renewal and repair procedures during your sleep. Your skincare routine ultimately depends on your skin type, and you can see your dermatologist about it.